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CA compares the salary of an IAS with his profession: ‘Why do people prefer…’

A post by a chartered accountant (CA) has sparked a debate on X. In his post, he wrote that he fails to understand why people choose the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) over CA despite the latter having a higher salary range. While many opposed his post, citing that IAS is about “power and respect”, a few supported his stand.
“The average salary of an IAS is the starting salary of a CA. Why do people prefer IAS?” CA Chirag Chauhan wrote. He also shared a photo showing an IAS officer’s salary division.
The post was shared two days ago. Since being tweeted, the share has accumulated more than 7.5 lakh views and the numbers are only increasing. The share has further collected close to 2,400 likes. People posted varied comments while reacting to the share.
“Have you ever heard of an IAS ever reporting to a CA? Ever!? (Unless the CA is a senior govt employee or a minister),” posted an X user.
“Power and respect is greater than money,” expressed another.
“People wanting to join IAS are not motivated by money; they are motivated by a desire to serve people,” shared a third.
“A cousin of mine preparing for UPSC said he wanted power. I don’t understand what he would do with power,” commented a fourth.
“Software Engineers, CAs, consultants, etc, all make much more than an IAS. Also, get to work on much more intriguing stuff, but society will make you think you are missing out on something if you’re not an IAS,” tweeted a fifth.
“That’s the basics. With allowances, it’ll be double that. Then the power and respect that come with it,” wrote a sixth.
